She:kon from the ancestral homelands of the Kanien'kehá:ka (People of the Flint)
Our Grandmother Moon is guiding us to look forward to new beginnings within this new moon energy. As we approach a total solar eclipse that will be visible in Ioskóhare (or, Schoharie Valley), universal energies grow in potency. With each celestial cycle, moon phase, and solar flare, we are challenged with creating and maintaining unity. As we continue to walk this pathway of rematriation, we allow our Mother Earth to guide us as humanity faces the existential threats of our time. The Waterfall Unity Alliance invites you to join us in being open to expansion as energy builds toward the April 8th eclipse.

Photo by Osohkwahawi Jock
This new moon, we are grateful to share with you all our 2023 Annual Report. Sarah Bachinger (Project Manager), along with the Waterfall Unity Alliance Team, Board of Directors, and Advisory Board Members have poured their reflections, gratitude, and love into the creation of the Waterfall Unity Alliance 2023 Annual Report.
Since the birth of the Waterfall Unity Alliance in 2015, the alliance has planted, watered, and nurtured seeds for the Kanien’kehá:ka (People of the Flint) return to Ioskóhare. Knowing that today, Onkwehon:we (Original Beings) families can come to Kanien’kehá:ka ancestral homelands to re-establish our deep ancestral roots is surreal. Sarah has beautifully demonstrated a visual representation of our first year rematriating Iotsi’tsison (Skywoman’s) Forever Farm.

Our ever-evolving vision is for the faces to come, stemming from our connection to our celestial bloodlines. We nurture these seeds for our children, the ones here and the future generations. Every component and aspect to this return home process provides infinite potential for the restoration of our people. The Onkwehon:we women of the Waterfall Unity Alliance hold the intention of opening the pathways of deep healing and re-birth for our people. The timeline we have chosen is one of Kayenorakowa (The Great Peace). Standing our people back up, rematriating our ancestral homelands, and coming back to self is integral work that creates an impact beyond Onkwehon:we bloodlines. As humanity heals, our Mother Earth heals. It is a simultaneous process. That is the power of rematriation.
Your support goes not only into the Kanien’kehá:ka families actively rematriating the land, but to the faces to come. The Waterfall Unity Alliance remains on an accelerated timeline, chosen as a result of our commitment to protect our Mother Earth. Niawenko:wa (a grand thank you) for hearing us, seeing us, and walking with us. To learn more about our vision, where we are headed, and the support we need, we invite you to take a look at the Waterfall Unity Alliance 2023 Annual Report.

Two support pillars of our organization, Cathy Berry (Board of Directors) and Christopher Lindstrom (member of our Advisory Board), created a $60k match-making grant that opened December 2023. Within the energy of this new moon, we are calling in support from our allies and donors to meet our match by the full moon on February 24th. This beautiful opportunity was birthed from a heart-centered space of calling in the funds we need to continue walking this pathway of rematriation.
Niawenko:wa to all who fuel the fire of our organization by supporting the work we do as an alliance.