The mission of the Waterfall Unity Alliance is to protect Ioskóhare (Schoharie Valley) and all Earth, build alliances across movements & cultures, and help create solutions to the existential challenges of our time.
The Waterfall Unity Alliance is a 501c3 nonprofit, Onkwehónwe (Original People) Women led organization.
"The wisdom of the Onkwehónwe people around the world reflects a unity consciousness rooted in respect for our Mother Earth, each other, and all living beings. We recognize ourselves as part of creation. The movement to reclaim our ancestral lands signifies a return to our true selves, a call to action.
During these times, it is crucial for all Onkwehónwe people to return to their original homelands and waters, reconnecting with our mother and revitalizing the bloodlines of our ancestors. As we strive to restore peace within our mother's being, we will once again reunite as one."
~ Kawenniiosta Jock