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Our Vision

The mission of the Waterfall Unity Alliance is to protect Ioskóhare (the Schoharie Valley) and all Earth, build alliances across movements & cultures, and help create solutions to the existential challenges of our time. 


We are currently mapping the BioRegion of Ioskóhare and exploring what a Waterfall Center of Bioregional Learning would look like.   The Center would serve as a community hub to facilitate, convene and  educate. Our first task is to map the watersheds of the local creeks and to support and catalyze the definition and parameters of the Ioskóhare BioRegion including; defining regional boundaries based on ecology, watershed data, geologic features, culture, community and local economies.


We have begun our own research on what constitutes a BioRegion, mapping our watersheds, understanding our geologic features that make up our valley, culture and economy and the history the land has witnessed throughout ages and eons.  Click the link below to see what we have begun mapping to better understand the elements that can come together to define what our BioRegion can encompass.  This is ever evolving as we learn more and community begins to form and flourish around this work.

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