She:kon from the ancestral homelands of the Kanien'kehá:ka (People of the Flint)
The Waterfall Unity Alliance would like to wish you all a happy full moon. Our Grandmother Moon is guiding us in celebrating ourselves as we walk into this new year, looking forward to all we have yet to grow through. Onkwehon:we (Original Beings) take this time of midwinter to renew and practice matters that align closely with who we are as a people. Onkwehon:we communities take this time to celebrate, as we are aligned closely with the Seven Dancers, or Orion’s Belt constellation. As we walk into this time of renewal, Grandmother Moon is encouraging us to let go of any restraints holding us back from being our authentic selves. In this celestially active time, we are being guided to lean into conflicts, diseases, and patterns as we observe what needs to be released. During this time of energetic shifts, we have much to share with you as our timeline continues to expand.

As we walk into this new year, we are reminded of the importance of gratitude. A beautiful opportunity has risen to raise the funds needed for us to move forward in our pathway to sovereignty on this land rematriation journey. A few of our donors came together to create a $6ok match-making grant. Two support pillars of our organization, Cathy Berry (Board of Directors) and Christopher Lindstrom (member of our Advisory Board), created this heart-centered call for much needed support. The Waterfall Unity Alliance is in need of funds to walk the next steps of our ever-evolving vision. We have yet to match $60k and have collectively decided we are extending this grant into another moon phase. In the spirit of new beginnings, we are calling on our allies and supporters to assist us in meeting our $60,000 by February 24th, the Snow Full Moon.
Niawenko:wa (a grand thank you) to all who have supported us in this match-making grant. Join us in spreading the message as this support continues to manifest. Be on the lookout for social media updates in the near future. As Kawenniiosta Jock (Co-Executive Director) says, “gratitude always.”