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Join us for the Storytelling Festival 2023!


She:kon from the ancestral homelands of the Kanien'kehá:ka

The WaterfallUnityAlliance would like to wish you a happy new moon. This new moon is the last of this Spring season. As we approach the solstice, we encourage you to ground your manifestations and step into the new beginnings the universe has to offer. The WaterfallUnityAlliance has much excitement in store as we continue to move forward choosing love and gratitude.

This week, we’d like to share a beautiful gathering happening onsite by Kahonrakén:ra (the White Spout Waterfall). Storytelling lights the fire of hope! Hosted by the Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations, the Center for Sacred Studies and the Fountain, you are invited to join us for the Storytelling Festival 2023!

The festival celebrates the power of storytelling to ignite hope and inspire change. Through stories, prophecies, instructions, teachings, and music, we will explore the rich history and diverse culture of storytelling. In addition to the captivating narratives, the festival also offers the opportunity to experience the beauty of Kanien’kehá:ka Ancestral Homelands.

Join us around the sacred fire as we share in the oral tradition of storytelling and connect with one another in a meaningful way. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in the art of storytelling and engage with a vibrant community. We look forward to seeing you there! For questions, connect via email.

We hope this week's newsletter inspired you today. As always, the WaterfallUnityAlliance says nia:wen to you for your support. Be sure to check out our Facebook page, Instagram, website and Tiktok located below.

Oneh (Until we meet again)

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