She:kon from the ancestral lands of the Kanien'kehá:ka
The WaterfallUnityAlliance is welcoming the spring season by connecting with our shared Mother Earth. The berry season is incoming and we’d love to extend our invitation for you to join us at the farm. Come and assist us in preparing for our first berry season. Volunteering your time at the farm is a beautiful opportunity to do some grounding and connecting with Mother Earth. If you feel called to join us, visit our updated volunteer page on the website and fill out the google form!

This week, we’d love to share with you more about the revitalizing work the Waterfall Unity Alliance aims to support, embody, and amplify. The process of returning the Kanien’kehá:ka (People of the flint) to ancestral homelands is not only about honoring familial ancestors. A huge part of the movement has been about reconnecting with the land- reconnecting with our ancestors within all of creation. The rocks, the trees, the mountains, the wind, the water, all of the beauties that we often take for granted are not outside of ourselves, for we are deeply connected to our mother. Mother Earth yearns for the return of this sacred relationship with all of humanity.

Kahonrakén:ra (the White Spout Waterfall)
A major part of the Kanien’kehá:ka Return to Ancestral Homelands Movement has been Onkwehonwe (Original) women rematriating this land called Skóhare (also known as the Schoharie Valley). For hundreds of years, Skóhare has been without the sacred connection and relationship with Onkwehonwe women. This relationship is the honor and responsibility of giving gratitude and maintaining balance and harmony with our Mother Earth. That is the true essence and beauty of rematriating Skóhare.
As Onkwehonwe women continue to rematriate land, great healing takes place. As we heal this relationship, the land heals. It is simultaneous. We empower you to re-member your connection to your mother. It is your birthright.
Great healing and restoration is taking place in Skóhare thanks to your support.

Next week, members of the Waterfall Unity Alliance board will be traveling to Berkeley, California to attend the 2023 Bioneers Conference. Kawenniiosta Jock, President of the Board of Directors will be speaking on the Indigenous Forum to spread awareness and shed light on the importance and integral work of the Waterfall Unity Alliance, the Kanien'kehá:ka Rematriation of Ancestral Homelands, and her personal journey. Check out Kawenniiosta's speaker page to learn more. Visit the Bioneers website to register and use code BioSpeaker for 20% off.

The following week, Kawenniiosta will be participating in a conference at Kent State University. Kawenniiosta and fellow Mother Earth lovers will gather for the 2023 ESDRI Symposium, with the theme of Environmental Justice Ecology & Race. To learn more about the conference, check out Kent State University's website. Registration for the event will be open through April 5th, so if you feel called to attend, be sure to get your tickets asap!

The deadline is fast approaching for the naming contest. Assist us with manifesting a name for the berry farm by spreading our flyer amongst your social web’s. To anyone looking to participate, send us your submissions and we’d love to connect with you!
We hope this week’s newsletter inspired you today. As always, the WaterfallUnityAlliance says nia:wen to you for your support. Be sure to check out our Facebook page, Instagram and website located below.
Oneh (Until we meet again)